Quick Macbook fix! Reference code PPT001 and PFM001

2021年11月15日—IrantheApplediagnosticsandgotthereferencecodePPT001.The...MacbookPro152016BatteryIssuesTheMACwasfullychargedand ...,2022年5月23日—Thereasonsforallabovewasthatbatteryconnectorwasnotfullypushedintothesocket.Someofthepinsofthesocketar...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Battery not charging, not detected, and f…

2021年11月15日 — I ran the Apple diagnostics and got the reference code PPT001. The ... Macbook Pro 15 2016 Battery Issues The MAC was fully charged and ...

SOLVED: battery not detected PPT001

2022年5月23日 — The reasons for all above was that battery connector was not fully pushed into the socket. Some of the pins of the socket are shorted and they ...

MacBook Air 13” mid

2020年6月30日 — Download coconut battery and see what it tells you. Sounds like the battery is not holding a Charge and may need fo be replaced Anyways.

MacBook 13 late 2014 batteria non rilevata

2023年4月6日 — PPT001 Batteria non rilevata. Contatta Apple o porta il tuo computer presso un AASP o un Apple Store per scoprire le opzioni di assistenza e ...

Battery not detected on Macbook Pro M1. The fans are loud ...

2022年10月18日 — Battery not detected on Macbook Pro M1. The fans are loud and when i run system diagnostics, it gives the error code PPT001. Mac. what can i ...

BATTERY NOT DETECTED, reference code PPT001

2017年12月22日 — BATTERY NOT DETECTED, reference code PPT001. It says that it might be a problem with the system management controller. Reference Code PFM001.

Relatively new iFixit battery no longer detected (PPT001)

2022年1月4日 — Relatively new iFixit battery no longer detected (PPT001) - any ideas? I replaced an aging battery in my Late 2013 MBP Retina on 9/9/2021. On 1/ ...


2021年11月15日—IrantheApplediagnosticsandgotthereferencecodePPT001.The...MacbookPro152016BatteryIssuesTheMACwasfullychargedand ...,2022年5月23日—Thereasonsforallabovewasthatbatteryconnectorwasnotfullypushedintothesocket.Someofthepinsofthesocketareshortedandthey ...,2020年6月30日—Downloadcoconutbatteryandseewhatittellsyou.SoundslikethebatteryisnotholdingaChargeandmayneedfobereplacedAnyways.,202...